Mme Babin

Mme Melissa's Grade 2 French Immersion Class

Posted: September 29, 2021

Math Practice Online

This is a math website with lots of skills that can be practiced. I would suggest starting with grade 1 skills and then if that is too easy, move on to grade 2!

Posted: September 29, 2021

Au Royaume des sons

If you would like to practice letters, sounds, and words in French at home today you can go to this link.
It must be played on Google Chrome or Firefox and I have not found an app in the app store for it yet. I will keep looking.
The student's usernames are the first three letters of their first name and the first three letters of their last name. Ex. Melissa Babin = melbab
Everyone's password is the same. It is my last name, no caps. Password = babin
It would be best if your child clicked on connaissance alphabétique and/or connaisance phonémique. These focus on letters and sounds in French. Each star has a different game. This is my first time using this learning resource and I am only exploring it for the first time this morning. I can try to help you if you are having trouble (email me), but I may not have all the answers yet.
I also hope to have a math online learning game very soon.
Do your best and happy learning!

Posted: September 17, 2021

Music Lesson from Ms Tremblett

Have fun!

Posted: September 15, 2021

For students at home self isolating. 

File covid_home_packet_2_weeks_lbs.docx51.17 KB

Posted: September 15, 2021

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Posted: September 15, 2021

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Posted: September 15, 2021

File liste_de_mots_frequents_1re_annee.docx172.78 KB

Posted: September 15, 2021

File word_work_ideas_2020_1.docx14.81 KB

Posted: September 14, 2021

Hello Everyone,

This is not an ideal way to start our school year with everyone being home. I wanted to let you know we have a Facebook page and the link to join is 

Home Learning Packages will be available for pick up tomorrow from 9:30 to 10 tomorrow Wednesday September 15, 2021 for those would like them. I will also post materials online tomorrow. 

I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.

Mme. Melissa
